Thursday, July 30, 2009

Today was all about the chickens!

I decided to let the chickens out of their coop and yard today. We had been keeping them in their house and yard because they had discovered my vegie garden and stared to pull out young vegetable plants to eat. We fenced off the garden a few weeks ago but by then the hens were just starting to lay eggs and a friend told us that they could lay eggs anywhere in the yard if we let them free range before they figured out what the nest boxes were for. I did not want to have to look under plants or have to find the eggs so we left them in a few weeks longer. Also, we had picked up 4, 3month old chicks and 3, 2 day old chicks at an auction last Tues. We had to keep them separate from our chickens for at least a week to make sure they had no colds or diseases that could be passed on to our chickens. They seem fine so we let everybody free range today.
Well, that is not as easy as that sounds. The ducks were out at the same time and the Guinea hens were bossing around the chickens, keeping them out of the chicken house. It was quite a seen, lol. It was a bird zoo. Anyway, we got 15 eggs today! That's the record so far. We need to start selling them. We have made arrangements with a local farm with a roadside stand to sell them there. That should open up in a week or so. They mostly sell corn.

Well, it is time to go and put the chickens to bed. I hope we can get everybody where they belong.

Happy egg collecting,
Grow it yourself mom

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